Posts Tagged ‘good friends’

Day 343 – 4 Years Too Long

December 8, 2012

Day 343 - 4 Years Too Long

I took a trip up to play a school in Boston and my long time friend Kelly Ganon came see me. After the show we chatted for a long time and realized that we haven’t seen each other in 4 years. BUT just like real friends do we picked up from where we left off. Kelly actually took this picture because she has always wanted to be in photo of the day. Congrats Kelly! Your dream finally came true. Hahaha!

Day 296 – Indigo Girls

October 27, 2012

Day 296 - Indigo Girls

For those of you who’ve seen me perform a handful of times you know I’m terrible at remembering my own lyrics. So, for me to attend a show and know practically ever word means I really love those songs. The Indigo Girls have always had a special place in my heart. Tonight I went out to dinner and attended the show with a group of people that I love and always enjoy seeing. Any time I hang out with these friends it always feels like the visit is way too short. Too bad the Indigo Girls can’t come around more often. Haha!

Day 92 – Imagination Movers

April 2, 2012

Day 92 - Imagination Movers

I’ve been getting so many thoughtful gifts from my friends lately. My friend Kelly Basmagy-Kitzman hooked me up with this CD & DVD of the Imagination Movers. I’m being told that my niece will love them. And let me tell you, my niece can really bust of move these days…and she has pretty good rhythm. I like how it says in tiny font on the top left and bottom left corners “Real Guitars” and “Real Drums”. As if to say very subliminally “Don’t worry parents…you’ll probably dig us, too.” Haha!

Thanks so much Kelly. I love getting snail mail and this totally made my weekend. You are so supportive and such a good friend to me. Thank you so much!

Day 277 – Meatball Cakeball

October 5, 2011

You don't eat no meat? Ok, I make lamb. - My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Tonight I had a wonderful time with a great group of people. We made cakeballs (that looked like meatballs). I had sugar overload and laughter overload. It was the kind of night that reminded me of the ultimate sleepover…except we didn’t play ‘light as a feather, stiff as a board’ or ‘bloody mary…bloody mary…bloody mary’. Although, they did freeze a pair of my underwear. It was an uncomfortable drive home since I didn’t sleep over and I had to put the underwear back on. Brrrrr! Haha. Just kidding. No, but really.

Day 14 – A Puppy & Some Pocky

January 15, 2011

Hi, I'm Taylor and I'm a flippin' awesome dog. And hi, I'm Pocky and I am the best tasting breadstick you will ever have.

Tonight I spent my evening with some great friends of mine. Kelly and Andy. Kelly and I went to high school together, but we didn’t start to become friends until our senior year. We kept in touch throughout college (which is a pretty amazing feat because we didn’t have cell phones and IM like there is now…crazy to think about, huh?) Kelly and Andy got married years ago and moved a little over an hour away. We were just talking tonight about how when they were in my area we used to go have sundaes at Friendly’s all the time. Haha!

For the past 10 months Kelly and Andy were sent to Australia because of Andy’s job…and they had the time of their lives. You can read about it by going to Kelly’s blog: They stayed in Brisbane…which is now completely flooded. So, needless to say, they are upset because they are back in the states and can’t help any of their friends. If you feel obligated you can donate a few dollars by clicking this link:

We went out for some sushi and afterwards we felt inspired to go to a nearby asain market because I told them about taro ice cream and how I’ve never tasted anything like it. The store we went to didn’t have any, BUT they had Pocky…which I love. Pocky are these tiny little breadsticks dipped in chocolate. Mmmmm….so good! Hence the picture of the Pocky with their dog, Taylor, in the background.

You know those friends that you always connect with no matter how long you haven’t spoken to them? Kelly and Andy are always a good time, down to earth, and I always feel great after a night of hanging out with them. Thanks Kelly and Andy for a great night!